Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dear Old Navy,

I know you've somehow managed to build yourself as a fresh, breezy brand full of graphic tees, low-cost denim, and rollicking young adults with cute children, but I have a request.

Please, please, please stop purchasing the rights to popular songs from days gone by in order to rewrite the lyrics for your commercials. Given that you've now abandoned any pretense of using or adapting the original lyrics in any form, and now simply replace them wholesale with words about breezy blouses and such, I don't even understand what the point of using the songs is at all. I'm quite sure that neither the Shondells nor Tiffany would understand how this latest incarnation of I Think We're Alone Now makes any sense whatsoever.

As for me, this commercial not only irritates me but it sort of makes me throw up just a little in my mouth. Since it's unlikely you wish your brand to be associated with a sour burn in the back of one's throat, I recommend that you cease and desist from this current line of lyrical butchery.



P.S. Is the line "with or without jeans is what it's all about" intended to promote pantsless living?

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